Bestillingsformular til virksomheder med op til 100 ansatte

Tak, fordi du overvejer at bruge To The Talk som et læringsværktøj i din virksomhed. Ved at udfylde nedenstående formular, vil alle medarbejdere i din virksomhed (brugere med en e-mailadresse inden for din virksomheds e-maildomæne) få adgang til To The Talk.

Tjenesten er et løbende abonnement, der faktureres årligt og skal opsiges, før næste periode starter. For virksomheder med mindre end 100 ansatte er det årlige abonnementsgebyr kr. 4.950,-.

Company name of the company to receive the invoice.
Invoice is to be sendt to this email.
Please provide your phone number with country code.
I.e. “” The domain users have their work email on.
Number of employees with email address on the domain given above.
By checking this box, you confirm that the email domain does not contain more users than the number of employees provided in the box above.
By checking this box you confirm the purchase of licenses to all employees under your company’s email domain. If this includes less than 100 employees, the yearly invoice will be at the yearly rate indicated at the top of the page.
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