By your subscription to To The Talk

To The Talk is available in different license versions. All versions will give you:

  • Access to all developed talks
  • Access to all available languages
  • Access to all in app learning tools


As a singel user, you may purchase To The Talk in you Google Play or Apple App Store directly. The option is a yearly subscription, with renewal if you do not unsubscribe.

€ 23,- per year


As a singel student user, you may purchase To The Talk in you Google Play or Apple App Store at a discounted price, as a yearly subscription, with renewal.

€ 13,- per year

Small business

Any small business with less than 100 employees, may purchase To The Talk access for all employees with an email address within your corporate email domain.

€ 495,- per year

Large business

Any large business with over 100 employees, may purchase To The Talk access for all employees with email address within your different corporate email domains.

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